Saturday, December 8, 2012

6 Months old!

James turned 6 months old on the 23rd of November.  We were in GA and I had my sister-in-law take some photos for us. We met her at Piedmont Park and got a few good shots. James wasn't very happy, but it's ok.

James can sit up very well, and can get himself to the sitting position all on his own! I haven't yet witnessed him getting into a seated position yet, but have looked on the monitor and seen him sitting up in his bed a lot.  He is a pro at putting is own passie in his mouth, which is great for if he wakes up and wants it.

At about 5 1/2 months I started giving him food. This boy can eat!  He loves all the veggies I have given him, and loves bananas and prunes too!  Right now I feed him either a fruit or veggie and oatmeal at breakfast time, and then at lunch he gets two veggies.  I have made all of his food, other than the prunes. I buy those. He likes to scream at lunch time if I tell him "all gone" and he's not ready for the food to be gone.  I think he would eat his weight in sweet potatoes if I would let him.  The other morning at breakfast he ate a whole banana. I was shocked!

He has mastered the low crawl, and it won't be long before he is crawling on his knees. Nothing on the floor is safe anymore, if he can get to it he will and it will go straight to his mouth.  James has also started to try to pull up while in his bed. Just this week my mom asked if I had lowered his mattress since he is sitting up, and I said no. Her words to me were, "he's going to pull up before you know it." I told her we would lower it the following day. Right after getting off the phone I checked the monitor and James was sitting up holding onto the railing and was pulling up and getting his butt off the mattress. Needless to say, we went right in there and lowered the mattress that night.

He still doesn't have any teeth, but he has figured out how to bite me with his gums while nursing. It hurts, and I have been flicking him on the cheek and telling him "no bite". The first few times I flicked him he laughed at me. He is gonna be a trouble maker!

He isn't saying mama or dada yet, but he does say mmmma, it sounds more like Uma (as in Uma Therman). It's funny, cause he will say it when he sees me. I think that is his way of saying mama.

I can't get enough of my little guy. He is a mama's boy for sure, and it melts my heart. I want time to slow down, but at the same time I love seeing James grow and explore everything around him.  He doesn't go to the doctor until the 14th, so I will have to post his stats after that appointment.

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