Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Officially Done Breastfeeding!

Before I had James I knew that breastfeeding was the way I wanted to feed him. Thankfully I didn't encounter many problems during the year of nursing. James was a bit of a difficult baby to nurse, he was always interested in what was going on around him. Even if I covered him up, he would still try to see what was going on. 

As stated in a previous post I cut out his 3pm feeding on April 30th, and his 11am feeding on May 12th.  I continued with the 7am and 7pm feedings until the end of May.  He really wasn't interested in nursing at all, but I didn't want to cut out multiple feedings all at once and end up suffering. On May 28th I cut out the 7am feeding and he did fine. I figured we would continue with the 7pm feeding for at least another week. Again I was just dragging it out for my sake at this point.  Well he wasn't having it any longer and on the 30th I cut out the last feeding. 

I was lucky and didn't have a single issue with the drying up process. I'm not sure if it is because of my suspected low supply issues, or just because James was eating so little towards the end. Either way I am happy with how the process went. 

I set a goal in the beginning to make it a year, and we did! I am proud of reaching my goal, and I know that James is healthier because of it. I'm really hoping that the next baby we have will be easier to nurse, but we will have to wait and see!

Friday, June 7, 2013

He's Walking!!

So James decided that he wanted to give walking a try just after he turned 1.  He's not walking fully yet, but each day he is taking more steps than the day before. I can't believe that this time last year I was snuggling a tiny baby, and now he is non stop on the go. I've captured a few videos of him taking some steps.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Braves Game

On May 8th we took James to see the Braves play the Reds. It was a 12:10 game, so that meant he would be skipping his afternoon nap. I made sure he got a good morning nap in and then we headed out.  We got there early enough to see the end of batting practice and were able to get Freddie Gonzalez' autograph and Chris Johnson's too. Brian McCann pointed to us and then threw us a game ball, and one of the managers also threw us a ball.  It was so cool. I know that James won't remember any of it, but it was fun for us! 

He was so good throughout the entire game. He wore his hat and sunglasses the whole time, and seemed to enjoy the game.