Friday, December 14, 2012


As I sit here watching James on the video monitor I can't help but think of the families that lost their babies in the school shooting this morning.  I will never understand how anyone can take the life of an innocent child. I am confident that those children are now safe in the arms of Jesus, and that brings comfort. I am also confident that the person who did this is burning in hell. I pray that the families who lost children and loved ones will feel the prayers of our nation.

Hug your babies a little tighter and a little longer today. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. Tell your children often just how much you love them. Kiss them even when they tell you not to.

Dear Lord please place your hand on the families who have lost their children today. Give them peace, allow them to feel your presence and know that you are with them. Lord please place a hedge of protection around them and guide them as they try to understand everything that happened today. Please be with the children who were in the school and may have witnessed the events. Lord please give their parents the strength and the right words to say to them, so that they can cope with the events.  Lord please bless the families and ease their pain.


James update

James had his 6 month appointment today.  We are running a few weeks behind on them, but since he won't get shots at his 9 month we should be able to get back on track then.  The last time I gave an update on James he had lost weight. I took him to the doctor on Nov 19th, for a weight check and he was up to 15lbs 4oz, from 14lbs 3oz. He had gained 1lb in 2 weeks.  Well today he weighed 15lbs 3oz, and is 26in long.  His head was 17inches. 

The doctor is not concerned that anything is wrong with James, and thankfully is very supportive of me continuing to nurse him.  He has recommended that I start giving him fruits or veggies after each time I nurse him. He has me nursing him every 3 hours, and I have been giving him fruit or veggies twice a day.

A typical day for James has been:
7am- nurse, oatmeal and fruit or veggies. Nap at 8:30-10
10am- nurse. Nap at 11:30-1
1pm- nurse, 2 veggies. Nap 2-4
4pm- nurse. Sometimes nap around 5-6 if other naps have been short and he's tired
7pm- nurse, go to bed for night

Now the doc wants me to add the fruit or veggies after each nursing session, and also offer him oatmeal at least once more during the day.  I have to take him back in Jan to check his weight, and see what the next step is if he hasn't gained any. 

I'm not concerned that anything is wrong with him. The doctor confirmed that he is meeting milestones for babies of is age, and is very alert and active. He did say that he might have to send us to Cincinnati Children's Hospital to see a nutrition specialist if he doesn't gain weight. 

I've been taking a prenatal vitamin, and also taking Gaia Lactate Support. I know that James is getting milk, I constantly hear him swallowing. He never comes off the breast crying like he isn't getting anything. I think that if I could get him to nurse for longer it would be very good for him. I will have to figure out how to make him stay on longer.  Any advice on getting a baby to nurse longer is welcome!

Monday, December 10, 2012


We are moving at the beginning of Jan to a new apartment. Our rent is going up at the beginning of the year, and we are paying way too much for this 2 bedroom place.  We found a brand new apartment complex that is much cheaper than where we are now.  I probably won't be posting much until we get done with the move. I have so much to accomplish before we travel for Christmas and the day after we get back will be time to move!  I am excited to move to a new place, but I also hate moving.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Visiting Santa!!

Joshua and I took James to the mall on Thursday to see Santa! We were prepared to pay $20 for the cheapest package they offered. When we walked up no one was in line! I was surprised when they asked if we wanted to visit, have them take pictures, or us take pictures with our own camera. Thankfully I had my DSLR in the trunk of the car. I sent Joshua back out to get it, and I then took the pictures. They aren't professional quality, but they were free and that is awesome! 


6 Month Pics

I forgot to post the monthly pictures I always take!

6 Months old!

James turned 6 months old on the 23rd of November.  We were in GA and I had my sister-in-law take some photos for us. We met her at Piedmont Park and got a few good shots. James wasn't very happy, but it's ok.

James can sit up very well, and can get himself to the sitting position all on his own! I haven't yet witnessed him getting into a seated position yet, but have looked on the monitor and seen him sitting up in his bed a lot.  He is a pro at putting is own passie in his mouth, which is great for if he wakes up and wants it.

At about 5 1/2 months I started giving him food. This boy can eat!  He loves all the veggies I have given him, and loves bananas and prunes too!  Right now I feed him either a fruit or veggie and oatmeal at breakfast time, and then at lunch he gets two veggies.  I have made all of his food, other than the prunes. I buy those. He likes to scream at lunch time if I tell him "all gone" and he's not ready for the food to be gone.  I think he would eat his weight in sweet potatoes if I would let him.  The other morning at breakfast he ate a whole banana. I was shocked!

He has mastered the low crawl, and it won't be long before he is crawling on his knees. Nothing on the floor is safe anymore, if he can get to it he will and it will go straight to his mouth.  James has also started to try to pull up while in his bed. Just this week my mom asked if I had lowered his mattress since he is sitting up, and I said no. Her words to me were, "he's going to pull up before you know it." I told her we would lower it the following day. Right after getting off the phone I checked the monitor and James was sitting up holding onto the railing and was pulling up and getting his butt off the mattress. Needless to say, we went right in there and lowered the mattress that night.

He still doesn't have any teeth, but he has figured out how to bite me with his gums while nursing. It hurts, and I have been flicking him on the cheek and telling him "no bite". The first few times I flicked him he laughed at me. He is gonna be a trouble maker!

He isn't saying mama or dada yet, but he does say mmmma, it sounds more like Uma (as in Uma Therman). It's funny, cause he will say it when he sees me. I think that is his way of saying mama.

I can't get enough of my little guy. He is a mama's boy for sure, and it melts my heart. I want time to slow down, but at the same time I love seeing James grow and explore everything around him.  He doesn't go to the doctor until the 14th, so I will have to post his stats after that appointment.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Slacking off

I've been slacking on the blogging. I need to get back at it.  I took the week of Thanksgiving off because we traveled to GA for the holiday.  We had such a good time visiting with family and friends.

We drove down on Monday the 18th, and stayed until the following Monday.  James had a rough night after being in the car all afternoon and part of the evening. We arrived 2 hours after his bedtime, and since he had been sleeping in the car he was wide awake when we got him out of his car seat. I decided to let him stay up for an hour and then tried to get him to go to sleep.  He was still awake at 11:20pm. I finally just had to let him cry and he did give up. Normally at home he is in bed by 7:15, and doesn't make  a peep.

We ate Thanksgiving lunch with my mom's side of the family. I always enjoy our family meals, cause we have good cooks in the family! My mema made a jam cake for desert, and it was so good. Her cakes are my favorite.  We had Thanksgiving dinner with Joshua's family. There was enough food to feed an army.

The day after Thanksgiving we met my brother and his family at Piedmont Park so my sil could take pictures for us. James was 6 months old that day, and I wanted to get some family shots.  James wasn't very happy about having his pictures taken, and didn't last very long.  But we did end up with a few good shots.  After pictures we ate lunch at the Varsity! It was so yummy.  Then we headed up to Cartersville to eat dinner with my dad's side of the family. 

Saturday we took it easy and stayed home all day, watching football.  Sunday, my parents came over for lunch and to watch the Falcons game with us.  We got up Monday and ate breakfast and then hit the road to KY.  I can't wait till the 19th of this month when we get to drive back down there and stay for almost 2 weeks!

I didn't take my camera out once, except to take the monthly picture, these are the only pictures I took with my phone while visiting.

James in his new bath seat that grandma got him
 Watching football