Sunday, May 12, 2013

Weaning Process

On April 5th I started mixing James' oatmeal with whole milk. I had been mixing it with formula, but ran out and didn't want to spend $35 to get another can. So I decided to make the switch.  For a few weeks I only put it in the oatmeal. Then I started giving him a cup of milk with his meals.  He has done so well with the cup that I decided to start weaning him from breastfeeding. 

On April 30th I decided to cut out the 3pm nursing session.  James had been fighting me each day at that time so I knew he was ready to let it go. I gave him a snack of cheese and milk. He seemed so happy to be eating a snack instead of nursing.  Today I decided to cut out the 11am nursing session.  For over a week James has been fighting me at that feeding. So once again I knew it was time.  When he got up from nap today I gave him his lunch and he did fine. 

Tonight at the 7pm feeding he wasn't very interested, but I'm not going to cut out 2 feedings at once. I plan to continue nursing him at 7am and 7pm for a few weeks.  I haven't had any issues with cutting out 2 feedings so far. I hope that I don't experience any engorgement when I cut the last 2 feedings out, but I will just have to wait and see. So far so good!

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