Saturday, January 26, 2013

8 Months Old

James turned 8 months old on January 23rd! It's hard to believe that he is growing up so quickly.  Really it seems that he was born just last week. I would like for time to slow down.  I really try to savor every moment with him, and enjoy all the new things he does each day.

He is a crawling machine! He knows how to turn the xbox on and off, which he just loves.  He pulls up on all the furniture and "cruises" on it.  I think that he might walk before he's a year old, but I could be wrong.  He still hasn't said any words, but he is constantly babbling. Right now he is sticking his tongue out all the time. And when he "talks" he likes to stick it out and curl it up. It's quite funny to watch.  He is so animated, and 99% of the time he is very happy.  He likes to explore everything, and tries to climb on everything too.  My mom said that the prayed I would have a kid just like me, I climbed on everything and had no fear. 

James has a huge appetite. He eats a whole banana, and a serving of oatmeal after nursing, each morning.  For lunch he nurses and then usually eats 2 veggies and a serving of oatmeal.  This week we introduced chicken pot pie to him.  I pureed it, since he has no teeth, I knew he wouldn't be able to chew the chicken.  He LOVED it! So far the only food he refuses to eat is lima beans.   He is a good napper, normally taking 3-4 naps a day, since he is on a 3 hour schedule for eating.  I am considering moving him to a 4 hour schedule again, but I'm not sure he will go back to it. 

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