Wednesday, August 29, 2012

James Hamilton Lovett III

I'm not good at this whole blog thing, but I have decided that I want to document things regarding James' life and this is a great way to do it.  I have some catching up to do. :)

Wednesday May 23rd I was scheduled for a c-section at 10am. I had to be at the hospital at 8:30am to check in and get prepped for the surgery.  I was very mad that Joshua had to go into a waiting room while the nurse got me hooked up to an iv and asked me a ton of questions. I didn't understand why he couldn't be in there with me during that time.  They finally let him come in the room with me, and they also allowed one other person. My mom and Josh's mom took turns to come see me before going back for surgery.  Right about 10am they wheeled me back, and once again sent Josh to the waiting room.  It took some time to get the spinal in, I was a difficult patient. Once they got the spinal in and had me laid down on the table they let Josh come in the room.  It didn't take long at all for James to be born. He arrived at 10:37am weighing in at 8lbs 3oz and 20 inches long.  The doctor held him up over the curtain and the only thing I said was, "he has hair!" Josh went over to where the nurses had him and were cleaning him up and all I could hear them saying was that he had a big head, and he was crying like crazy. A few minutes later they transferred me to a bed and handed me my little guy. It was so good to finally be holding him after waiting so long.

When Joshua brought James to see me
In the recovery room
Headed home!
I stayed in the hospital until Friday the 25th. I could have stayed one more day, but I was sick of trying to get in and out of the bed. I figured getting in my own bed would be much easier since it was lower to the ground.  We had to have a nurse come to the house on Saturday to weigh James because he had dropped to 7lbs 6.2oz as of very early Friday morning. They wanted to make sure that he didn't lose too much more or they were going to make me give him formula.  Thankfully he had only lost .2oz as of when the nurse came. My milk had come in on Saturday so he was finally getting more to eat at each feeding. 

On Memorial day we went up to the hospital for Joshua to get the Tdap vaccine and we got James weighed while we were there.  He had gained a few ounces, I can't remember what it was though.  At his one week check up he weighed 7lbs 10.5oz. The doctor was happy with the way he was gaining, but told me to wake him up every three hours to eat even during the night. He wanted him to get above his birth weight before we let him sleep longer at night.  At two weeks he weighed 8lbs 5oz. He was finally above his birth weight!

At his one month appointment July 2nd he was 21inches, and 11lbs 11oz. He was definitely getting enough food! The doctor mentioned that I might have to stop demand feeding him cause we didn't want him to gain too much weight. He was eating every three hours around the clock at that point.  Shortly after that appointment he started to sleep a little longer at night, and while I was in GA at the end of July he transitioned himself to a 4 hour schedule.

August 6th was his 2 month appointment. He was 23.5inches and 13lbs 9.5oz.  The doctor was very happy with his growth and said he looked great!  He had to get 4 shots, he was only supposed to get 2, but one that was a combo shot they were out of so they had to do individual shots. He was very unhappy about getting them, but cheered up quickly.  He doesn't go back to the doctor until October 16th for his 4 month appointment, and he will be almost 5 months old then.  Our doctor is out of town at the beginning of the month for 2 weeks. Must be nice!

Since James isn't being seen for a 3 month appointment I took him to be weighed yesterday and he is 14lbs 14.6oz. By his next appointment I think he will be over 16lbs. I'm feeding my boy well!

James is a very happy baby and loves to be held.  He wasn't put down in his first week of life except at night to sleep.  I think that really helped make him a calmer baby. He loves to play on his play mat, and will talk to the toys above him. He loves it when I sing songs to him, and sometime he will "sing" along with me.  It's so funny to listen to him "talk", he gets so loud sometimes.

I can't believe how quickly he is growing and changing. It really seems like every day he gets bigger and his personality comes out more. I really would like for time to slow down just a little bit.

I tried to put more pictures with this, but for some reason they aren't posting. I will do another post with just pictures. Even though I don't think anyone reads this. At least I will have it to look back at down the road.

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