I started James on food the weekend before Halloween. I decided to start with bananas. James LOVED them!! I fed them too him while we were out of town, and decided that I would start him on something else after our little trip. I noticed that he wasn't pooping as often, and it had been a few days since he had pooped. I also noticed that his diapers were looser than they had been. Joshua thought that he had lost weight when he changed his diaper. So we decided to just let the doctor take a look at him.
When I took him for his 4 month appointment on Oct. 9th, he was 14lbs 12oz. I took him to the doctor Monday Nov. 6th, and he was down to 14lbs 3oz. I know it's not a big drop, but at his age he shouldn't have any drops in weight. The doctor decided that I need to feed him every three hours during the day, and also give him veggies at 2 meals. He requested that for one day I give him bottles of 5oz of breast milk. He took them very well, but I did not pump enough throughout the day to make up for all that he drank. Thank goodness I had some milk in the freezer. The day after giving James bottles, the doctor wanted me to nurse him, and then offer him a bottle of 2oz to see if he was still hungry. He took the 2oz the first two times I offered it, and then refused it after that. He has since refused to take a bottle after nursing.
I started Tuesday giving him sweet potatoes, and he loves them! I seriously think he could eat his weight in them. I am mixing them with rice cereal, cause the doc wanted him to have that too for some reason. I did sweet potatoes for two days, and then gave him peas. He loves the peas also. I am so thankful that he is eating veggies so well, so far. Tomorrow I am going to give him some carrots and see how he likes them.
I started taking some Gaia Lactate Support on Wednesday. Hopefully it will help with my supply. I do think that I was producing less. I haven't gotten much at all while pumping this week. I am not ready to be done nursing, and I do not want to give James formula. Although if I try everything and still don't produce enough I will do what's best for him. I want him to be healthy, and grow big and strong! I've made it to almost 6 months, and that's a lot longer than some women. So I'm very happy about that.
I have to take James back to the doctor on the 19th, to check his weight again. I will be surprised if he hasn't gained much. I think that he has already gained some! I hope that after his weight check the doctor will say I can go back to a 4 hour schedule. We were doing so well on it, and James was really napping well. Every day I am having to wake him up to feed him, and I hate that.
I will update once I have taken him to get a weight check.