Thursday, May 2, 2013


I am struggling to get healthy. I keep making excuses to not work out or eat healthy. I want to do it, but always find a reason not to.  I am so tired of being the weight I am, and my clothes being tight. One day last week we took James to the park to take some pictures of him for his birthday invitation.  Joshua took a picture of me and I looked and it and thought "dang I'm ugly". 

Now I don't think I'm ugly all the time, but this picture doesn't make me feel pretty at all.  No my hair wasn't done and I'm not wearing any makeup. But I should still be able to look at myself and think I am pretty even when I'm not done up. 

I am making the decision to try much harder to make an effort at taking walks every day that it is pretty, and trying to do more exercises at home. I am going to find some recipes that are healthy and easy to fix. I want to get healthy not only for me, but so I can chase my little guy around.

I know that I only have 4 people who read this blog since I made it private, but I figure I can get some accountability from yall!  I'm gonna list my goals, and then do updates as I reach them!

1. Lose 10lbs. I ultimately want to lose 90-100 or even more. But I know small goals are easier to reach!
2. Eat healthier
3. Exercise regularly

I weighed myself yesterday morning and I weighed a whopping 245. That is 4lbs less than the day I gave birth to James almost a year ago.

Here are some current pictures so that I have a before:


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