Friday, May 31, 2013

1 Year Old!

Oh my goodness I can't believe that my baby is already a year old. Time sure does fly when you are having fun. It really seems like yesterday that I was going to the hospital to have him. I loved when he was a tiny baby and would just let me snuggle him all day and we could nap together. But I am really loving seeing him grow into a little boy, although I do miss the sweet snuggles all day long!
We went to GA to celebrate James' birthday. I wanted the great grandparents to be able to be at the party, so it was perfect for us to celebrate there. On the 22nd we were able to go to the Braves game and we had great seats. So James went to 3 baseball games before his first birthday! He was so cute at the game, just chilling out watching everything around him. 
For his actual birthday on the 23rd we didn't really do anything special. We did get him a cupcake to eat though.  We needed an oil change so we did take a trip up to our favorite dealership in Roswell. So he got to see some friends that day. 

We had James' party on the 25th at my parents house. We had around 36 people there. I was surprised that James was so happy around everyone, since he is used to it just being the 3 of us all the time.  He really didn't want to eat the cake. Which didn't surprise me, cause he didn't want to for his pictures the day before either.  It just meant he was very easy to clean up!  He got so many gifts! Lots of books, blocks, and little people toys.  My grandmother Mane and grandfather Hal gave him a rocking chair that has been in our family since 1949. She had it recovered and James climbed right into it!

James had his check up today and he is 21.25lbs, 30 inches long, and his head is 18.5cm.  He is in the 50% for head and height, and 25% for weight.  The doctor is pleased with his growth and said he is perfect! He only had to get two shots and only cried for a minute.
This past year has flown by and I would give anything to have time slow down.  I am doing my best to cherish every minute with my baby. I am so blessed to be his mommy!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Weaning Process

On April 5th I started mixing James' oatmeal with whole milk. I had been mixing it with formula, but ran out and didn't want to spend $35 to get another can. So I decided to make the switch.  For a few weeks I only put it in the oatmeal. Then I started giving him a cup of milk with his meals.  He has done so well with the cup that I decided to start weaning him from breastfeeding. 

On April 30th I decided to cut out the 3pm nursing session.  James had been fighting me each day at that time so I knew he was ready to let it go. I gave him a snack of cheese and milk. He seemed so happy to be eating a snack instead of nursing.  Today I decided to cut out the 11am nursing session.  For over a week James has been fighting me at that feeding. So once again I knew it was time.  When he got up from nap today I gave him his lunch and he did fine. 

Tonight at the 7pm feeding he wasn't very interested, but I'm not going to cut out 2 feedings at once. I plan to continue nursing him at 7am and 7pm for a few weeks.  I haven't had any issues with cutting out 2 feedings so far. I hope that I don't experience any engorgement when I cut the last 2 feedings out, but I will just have to wait and see. So far so good!

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I am struggling to get healthy. I keep making excuses to not work out or eat healthy. I want to do it, but always find a reason not to.  I am so tired of being the weight I am, and my clothes being tight. One day last week we took James to the park to take some pictures of him for his birthday invitation.  Joshua took a picture of me and I looked and it and thought "dang I'm ugly". 

Now I don't think I'm ugly all the time, but this picture doesn't make me feel pretty at all.  No my hair wasn't done and I'm not wearing any makeup. But I should still be able to look at myself and think I am pretty even when I'm not done up. 

I am making the decision to try much harder to make an effort at taking walks every day that it is pretty, and trying to do more exercises at home. I am going to find some recipes that are healthy and easy to fix. I want to get healthy not only for me, but so I can chase my little guy around.

I know that I only have 4 people who read this blog since I made it private, but I figure I can get some accountability from yall!  I'm gonna list my goals, and then do updates as I reach them!

1. Lose 10lbs. I ultimately want to lose 90-100 or even more. But I know small goals are easier to reach!
2. Eat healthier
3. Exercise regularly

I weighed myself yesterday morning and I weighed a whopping 245. That is 4lbs less than the day I gave birth to James almost a year ago.

Here are some current pictures so that I have a before: